PLAGIARISM {"In Other (People's) Words: plagiarism by university students - literature and lesson...

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PLAGIARISM {"In Other (People's) Words: plagiarism by university students - literature and lessons", by Chris Park} by Mind Map: PLAGIARISM {"In Other (People's) Words: plagiarism by university students - literature and lessons", by Chris Park}

1. Why

1.1. reasons

1.1.1. genuine lack of understanding

1.1.2. efficiency gain

1.1.3. time management

1.1.4. personal values/attitudes

1.1.5. defiance

1.1.6. student's attitudes towards teachers and class

1.1.7. denial or neutralisation

1.1.8. temptations and oportunity

1.1.9. lack of deterrence

1.2. which students

1.3. determinants

1.3.1. gender

1.3.2. age and maturity

1.3.3. academic ability

1.3.4. student social life

1.3.5. peer desapproval

1.3.6. student personality factors

1.3.7. student attitude towards their classes

1.3.8. risk of being caught

2. Digital Plagiarism

2.1. Internet

2.2. Buying a paper online

2.3. Digital detection

3. Context

3.1. Meaning

3.2. Historical Facts

4. Students

4.1. Types of Cheating

4.1.1. academic misconduct

4.1.2. academic dishonesty

4.1.3. academic integrity

4.2. Forms of Plagiarism

4.2.1. stealing material (buying, copying or submitting another student's work)

4.2.2. submitting a paper written by somebody else as your one

4.2.3. copying sections without quotation marks

4.2.4. paraphrasing without accurate referencing

4.3. Motive & Intent

4.3.1. Intentional

4.3.2. Unintentional

4.4. How students perceive plagiarism

5. Problem

5.1. Trends & Patterns

5.1.1. variation between disciplines

5.1.2. variation between countries

5.1.3. variations between undergraduate and graduate students

5.1.4. variations through time

5.2. Incidence

6. Promoting academic integrity

6.1. Honor Codes