Leadership Development's Impact on Gifted "Underachievers"

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Leadership Development's Impact on Gifted "Underachievers" by Mind Map: Leadership Development's Impact on Gifted "Underachievers"

1. Definition/Factors of Underachievement

1.1. The Underachievement? (Reis, S., McCoach, D. )

1.2. Factors That Differentiate (McCoach, D., Siegle, D. )

1.3. Understanding Giftedness and... (Schultz, R.)

2. Definition of Leadership Development

2.1. Impact of the Leader... (Goble, et al., 2015)

2.2. "The Leader Formula", 2007

3. The Leader in Me Strategies

3.1. Impact of the Leader (Goble, et al., 2015)

3.2. "The Leader Formula"

3.3. What is the Leader in Me? (2017)

3.4. Dare to Care: ... (Fox, S., 2014).

4. Caring Adult/Empowerment/Self Awareness

4.1. Never Too Young ... (Bonner, F., Jennings, M., 2007)

4.2. Dare to Care:.. (Fox, S.,2014)

4.3. Leadership Education ... (Matthews, M. 2004).

4.4. Developing Leadership Skills ...(Smyth, E., Ross, J., 1999)

4.5. Character Education... (Berkowitz, M., Hoppe, M., 2009)

5. Definition of Giftedness

5.1. Definitions of Giftedness. (NAGC)

5.2. Never Too Young ...(Bonner, F., Jennings, M., 2007).

6. Significance

6.1. The Impact of The Leader...(Goble, et al, 2015)

6.2. Expanding the... (Van Velsor, E., Wright, J., 2015)