Copy of Genetic engineering

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Copy of Genetic engineering by Mind Map: Copy of Genetic engineering

1. Gmo aplications

1.1. Golden rice

1.2. Spider silk

1.3. Amflora potato

1.4. Ornamental uses

1.5. Etc...

2. Patents

2.1. Patentability requirements

2.1.1. Novelty

2.1.2. Inventive activity

2.1.3. Industrial application

2.2. Ways

2.2.1. Ordinary way

2.2.2. Supervised way

3. Safety

3.1. Health safety

3.1.1. Biochemical techniques such as mass spectrometry.

3.2. Environmental safety

3.2.1. Security measures to prevent that the GMO don't pollute the original organisms.

4. Repercussions

4.1. Economic repercussions

4.1.1. The money spend by the government is use to study about techniques of GMO but they can't be sold.

5. Proceses

5.1. Locate the gene of interest and amplify it.

5.2. Select a vector to transfer it

5.3. Multiply the select vector.

5.4. Conduct the transgenesis in the organism.

5.5. Develop the transgenic.

6. What is it?

6.1. Techniques that enables the manipulation of DNA of an organism.