1. What services/programs are available for Ontario students and their families?
1.1. Funding Programs
1.1.1. Life Enriching Activity fund: financial assistance that'll help enhance an activity the individual is currently interested/participating in
1.1.2. Assistive Devices Funding: funding for assistive devices/equipment that'll make life more accessible
1.1.3. OFCP Scholarships & Awards: granted to individuals that have made contributions on improving the lives of those with CP
1.1.4. OFCP Grants & Funds
1.2. Children & Family Services
1.2.1. Therapies Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech & Language Therapy
1.2.2. Financial Resources
1.2.3. Government Programs
1.2.4. Special Services at Home
1.2.5. Enhanced Respite Funding
1.3. Planning Services
1.3.1. Person Centered Planning
2. How are Services/Programs Assessed?
2.1. individuals must reside in Ontario
2.2. Individuals must be members of OFCP
2.3. Individuals must have Cerebral Palsy
3. About
3.1. It's a non profit charitable organization that is committed to supporting those with cerebral palsy
3.2. what is Cerebral Palsy?
3.2.1. a diagnosed condition resylting from an abnormality in brain development that affects body movement and muscle co-ordination
3.3. Mission
3.3.1. "The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy (OFCP) is a non-profit, charitable organization that strives to address the needs of people with cerebral palsy in the province of Ontario."
3.4. Vision
3.4.1. "The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is an organization committed to supporting independence, inclusion, choice and full integration of all persons with cerebral palsy." The Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy is an organization committed to supporting independence, inclusion, choice and full integration of all persons with cerebral palsy
4. How Do they address equity, inclusion and awareness of cultural diversity?
4.1. The at home services (SSAH), which are organized by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services proves funding for services that will give relief support.
4.2. acknowledge that each child is unique, therefore recognizing that support and services provided should be unique and specific to each child & family
4.3. customizable information available upon request
5. More Information
5.1. majority of the programs and services are funded through
5.1.1. the collection/resale of used clothing & other used goods.
5.1.2. corporate and private donations