ESSAY QUESTION: "What Is The Purpose of Education?"

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ESSAY QUESTION: "What Is The Purpose of Education?" by Mind Map: ESSAY QUESTION: "What Is The Purpose of Education?"

1. ASSIGNMENT GOAL: Make choices about the structure and organization of your essay.

2. Include the details and ‘evidence’ that you will include in each paragraph or part of the essay and demonstrate how each paragraph supports the thesis/purpose statement.

2.1. POINT ONE: The perspective that the level of education provided to a country may benefit it economically due to education's overall effect on the population: producing a skilled work-force.

2.1.1. POINT TWO: The best way to portray the effects of education on a country's economy is to look at how the migration of its skilled work-force affects its economy since a skilled work-force is the physical product of good education. POINT THREE: The effects of the existence and absence of a skilled work force in a country can answer the question of the purpose of education on an economic scale.

3. Represent those choices by creating a plan of your essay in a way that makes sense for you (a diagram, for example) or by using the handout as a guide.


3.2. Brain Drain’s Definition:

3.3. Point 1: education can affect economy, therefore it’s purpose is to benefit the economy.

3.4. Evidence: , &

3.5. Point 2: Brain Drain phenomena is the best way to represent the effects of education on the economy.

3.6. Evidence:

3.7. Point 3: By the monitoring of a skilled work force and its effects on the economy, the purpose of education can be revealed.

3.8. Evidence: Dodani, Sunita, and Ronald E. LaPorte. "Brain drain from developing countries: how can brain drain be converted into wisdom gain?" Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. The Royal Society of Medicine, Nov. 2005. Web. 22 May 2017.