Don Quijote de la Mancha

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Don Quijote de la Mancha by Mind Map: Don Quijote de la Mancha

1. Lives other ddvertures

2. I was in love with dulcinea del toboso

3. Sees an inn and think it was a castle

4. Like any man needs a woman

5. he takes out the old horse that gives him the name of rocinante

6. He decides to go and live in the mountains

6.1. Don Quixote and his faithful squire arrive in Barcelona, ​​one of his friends disguises himself as a knight and defeats Don Quixote

6.2. Fid a mil and tink they were giants

6.3. As punishment to desore the love of the lady

7. Went out on the feld to perform heroic feats

7.1. The name of don quixote

8. Sees an inn and think it was a castle

9. Lives other ddvertures and convinces Sancho panzas

10. Kind and poor

11. Came form a región called the spot

12. I was d

13. Of the 17th centy

13.1. To this horse he gave the name of rocinante

13.2. Reguins his arma in the ancestors

14. He was from low socitety