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The Republic by Mind Map: The Republic

1. Context

1.1. Mob Rule

1.1.1. Sicily

1.1.2. The failure of early democracy

1.2. Turbulent Times

1.2.1. The death of his mentor

1.2.2. The Rule of Thirty

1.2.3. The Peloponnesian War

2. Influences

2.1. Sophism

2.1.1. United in hatred

2.1.2. Truth being of secondary importance

2.1.3. A way of teaching

2.2. Socrates

2.2.1. Life and death in Athens

2.2.2. The Socratic dialectic

2.2.3. The father of Western philosophy

3. Impact

3.1. Influence Through the Ages

3.1.1. An ongoing tradition

3.1.2. Idealism and the course of history

3.2. Dual Nature

3.2.1. The Hellenistic Period

3.2.2. The foundation of Western philosophy

3.2.3. Politics and reality

4. Arguments

4.1. The Soul

4.1.1. Mutual dependence

4.1.2. Appetite

4.1.3. Spirit

4.1.4. Reason

4.1.5. The three components

4.2. Dualism

4.2.1. Allegory of the Divided Line

4.3. Mortality

4.3.1. The moral domain The shadow world The process toward enlightenment

4.4. Social Justice

4.4.1. The Sophists trap

4.4.2. A true captain

4.4.3. The Ship of State: an analogy by Socrates

4.4.4. Philosopher kings

4.4.5. A rejection of democracy

5. Concepts

5.1. Gender

5.1.1. A radical departure from the norm

5.1.2. The equal distribution of roles between the sexes

5.2. Education

5.2.1. The form of education

5.2.2. The value of education

5.2.3. The importance of education

5.3. Artistic Expression

5.3.1. Structurally deceptive

5.3.2. The role of the poet

5.3.3. The lowest common denominator