Solar advertisement signs

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Solar advertisement signs by Mind Map: Solar advertisement signs

1. Unravel electricity wires

1.1. Free space and better scenery

1.2. Less dangerous and more covinient for residents

2. Better access for remote and semi-urban areas

2.1. Areas without grid electricity will be more accessible

3. Good for the environment

3.1. Solar produces no harmful emissions that hurt the environment. It’s a clean, renewable process that uses the most natural of all resources: the sun

4. Independent of electricity prices

4.1. With solar power, it's possible to avoid the rise in price of power plants which differs through the day, and get cheap energy all day

5. Causes less electricity loss

5.1. The longer energy has to be transported, the more energy is wasted on the way

5.1.1. The longer energy has to be transported, the more energy is wasted on the way

5.1.2. The longer energy has to be transported, the more energy is wasted on the way

5.2. direct curent -> less lost elec than alternative current

6. Durable

6.1. They require little maintenance and have a long lifespan

7. Cost and benefit

7.1. Beyond the initial installation and panel costs, solar energy is free. This means that your solar panels will eventually pay for themselves and you can typically start earning from solar panels 10-15 years after initial installation

8. Battery backup

8.1. Utilize a battery backup that allows for plus time storage of the power needed to keep the system running

9. Easy to set up (Huy)

10. Renewable (Thi)

11. Choose icons and images to decorate your mind map

12. Hydropower plants

12.1. 100% => đắt (Hung)

12.2. Hard to set up; requires nearby electricity source (Huy)

12.3. Environmental Consequences

12.3.1. Affect fish is a complex interaction between numerous physical and biological factors

12.3.2. Interventions in nature due to damming of water, changed water flow

12.4. Expensive

12.4.1. Building power plants in general is expensive. Hydroelectric power plants are not an exception to this

12.5. Limited Reservoirs

12.6. Droughts

12.6.1. Electricity generation are directly related to how much water is available. A drought could potentially affect this