3.2. It can help to work with teachers with collaboration experience.
3.3. Parental awareness
3.4. Can the students be online and in what forms?
3.5. Age limits for online accounts
3.6. Remember, there is always the Ultranet.
3.7. Be fussy about who you work with.
3.8. Know the web 2.0 technology you will be asking your students to use
3.9. It is a great opportunity to cover safe and responsible use of ICT and if you are using web 2.0, a must.
4. Just Tell Me How to Get Started!
4.1. Establish a partnership with a school
4.2. Creat ePal Email accounts for your students
4.3. Select a unit of work from ePals
4.4. See your Ultranet Coach or technician about sending Flip videos via email.
4.5. Create a Skype account for yourself
5. New node
6. The learning is always the top priority. Take the time to work out what outcomes you want your students to have before you agree to participate in a project. Take the time to look at projects from other websites
7. Teacher Networking and Projects
7.1. Classroom 2.0
7.2. Global Gateway
7.3. Global Education
7.4. ePals
7.5. Flat Classroom Project
7.6. Rafi.ki
8. Useful web2.0 tools
8.1. Ultranet
8.2. Cool Tools For Schools
8.3. Centre for Learning and Performance Technology
8.4. Safe International email accounts (ePals School Mail)