Intervention Protocol

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Intervention Protocol by Mind Map: Intervention Protocol

1. Document all interventions in Aeries

2. Stage 1

2.1. Teacher intervention

2.2. Maintain authority

2.3. Supportive classroom environment

3. Goal

3.1. Deescalation

3.2. Support teacher authority

3.3. Provided tiered support and options for cadet redirection

3.4. Minimize cadet time out of class

3.4.1. Deescalation

3.5. Builds rapport by support instead of being kicked out

3.5.1. -

3.6. -

4. Stage 2

4.1. Restorative Justice

4.2. 1:1 Counseling

4.2.1. call home

4.2.2. Contract Evaluation

4.3. Goal is back to class

5. -

6. -

7. Care form can be submitted anytime during intervention process

7.1. New node

7.2. New node

7.3. New node

8. New node

9. -

10. -

11. Stage 3

11.1. TAC

11.2. Formal counseling

11.2.1. Contract implementation

11.2.2. Potential impact on extracurriculars

11.3. Formal call hone

12. New node

13. Stage 4

13.1. Formal Escalation

13.2. Principal conference

13.2.1. Parent conference

13.2.2. Potential suspension

14. New node

14.1. New node

14.2. New node

14.3. New node