Career Interest: Preschool Director

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Career Interest: Preschool Director by Mind Map: Career Interest: Preschool Director

1. Is there Vacation or Leave time for this profession?

1.1. Is it paid vacation?

1.1.1. I need to find an article or website talking about teacher pay and school directors pay.

1.2. How long is the vacation?

1.2.1. Library databases might help with finding out the length of time off.

1.3. Do the vacation days build up over time?

2. What is the Hiring Rate and Policy for this job?

2.1. What percentage of applications get hired?

2.1.1. I'm hoping I can find a link or article with hiring rates of school directors in the year of 2015-2016.

2.2. What are employers looking for?

2.3. What criteria should be presented in the application?

2.3.1. I'm hoping to pull up and outline of what the application for a school director looks like with a website of the criteria that looks the best. I have personal sources from my old high school and may be contacting them.

3. What is the Termination Policy?

3.1. Will you be relocated to another school?

3.2. Can you be rehired after a certain amount of time?

3.2.1. I have a scholarly Journal printed out about a director who was fired for hugging a child. I plan to use it as a source.

3.3. what counts as possible termination?

3.3.1. I want to find a book about this topic on professions and termination.

4. What are the Duties of a Preschool Director?

4.1. Budget?

4.1.1. I could use a scholarly article talking about the tasks a preschool director must fill in order to keep a smooth flowing school.

4.2. Do they choose the Curriculum

4.2.1. An article on the new technology associated with better learning techniques for younger students.

4.3. Do they hire new coming teachers and staff?

4.3.1. An article of hiring new staff at a preschool.

5. What is the salary?

5.1. Starting out salary

5.1.1. I could use the pay roll link that I found earlier in my research.

5.2. Average Salary w/experience

5.2.1. The pay link would help with finding out what salary is paid to people with experience versus without.

5.3. Do you get a higher salary based on years of experience or higher education?