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Vocab by Mind Map: Vocab

1. Biotic Factor

2. Levels of Organization

2.1. organism

2.1.1. An organism is any form of life. Fish is an organism

2.2. population

2.2.1. group of indivuals of the same species found in a given area or located in the same area Group of Dogs

2.3. commuity

2.3.1. population with living organisms that interact with one another in an ecosystem Group of People

2.4. ecosystem

2.4.1. group of living organisms thatinteract with one another and the nonliving environment as one unit Lake Ecosystem

2.5. Biome

2.5.1. geographic redgion of Earth that is inhabited by a community of distinct types of plant and associated animal species Biome

2.6. biosphere

2.6.1. layer of soil, water, and air that sustains life Earth

3. Biomes

3.1. Temperate deciduous forest

3.2. Coniferous Forests

3.3. Desert

3.4. Tundra

3.5. Grassland/savannah

3.6. Fresh Water Biome

3.7. Marine Biome

3.8. Rain Forest

4. Factors

4.1. Abiotic Factor

5. Biodiversity

6. Industrial

6.1. Black Plague

6.2. Industrial Revolution

6.3. Exponential Growth

6.4. Sustainability

6.5. Population Growth Rate

6.6. Logistical Growth

7. Hot Spots

8. Curves

8.1. J-curve

8.2. S-curve

9. Food Web

9.1. Trophic Levels

10. Food Chain

10.1. Producer

10.2. Primary Consumer

10.3. Secondary Consumer

10.4. Tertiary Consumer

11. Succession

11.1. Ecological succession

11.2. Primary succession

11.3. Secondary succession

11.4. Pioneer Species

11.5. Climax community

11.6. Limiting Factors

11.7. Carrying Capacity

11.8. Population growth