1.1. Food Chain
1.2. producer
1.3. Trophic Levels
1.4. Food Web
1.5. Primary consumer
1.6. Secondary consumer
1.7. tertiary consumer
2. Biotic/abiotic
2.1. boitic factors
2.1.1. living things
2.2. aboiti factors
2.2.1. something that is not living
2.3. bodiversity
2.3.1. biotic and abotic factors living together.
2.4. hot spots
2.4.1. many species live in this area.
3. ecological succession
3.1. primary succesion
3.1.1. there is no sorce of soil and has to start with nothing
3.2. secondary succesion
3.2.1. there is a little bit of soil that everything grows from
3.3. pioneer species
3.3.1. species that migrate into a new location
3.4. climax community
3.4.1. the final stage of a fully grown community.
4. New node
4.1. aquifer
4.1.1. under the ground water scourcces
4.2. water poloution
4.2.1. stuff that doesn't make our water good to drink
4.3. point scource
4.4. non point scource
5.1. Organism
5.1.1. any form of life.
5.2. Population
5.2.1. A group of same species found in same area.
5.3. Community
5.3.1. an assemblage of interacting plant and animal populations occupying a given area.
5.4. Ecosystem
5.4.1. A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment.
5.5. Biome
5.5.1. a major geographic region that contains a distinctive community of plants, animals, fungi, etc.
5.6. Biosphere
5.6.1. the ecosystem comprising the entire earth and the living organisms that inhabit it
6.1. Rainforest
6.2. Temperate deciduous forest
6.3. coniferous forest
6.4. desert
6.5. tundra
6.6. grassland/savannah
6.7. freshwater biome
6.8. marine biome
7. Population
7.1. Limiting factors
7.1.1. factors that controlle the population of a species.
7.2. carrying capicity
7.2.1. how much of a species can have and still be stable.
7.3. poopulation growth
7.3.1. the increase in population.
7.4. black plauge
7.4.1. this diesese killed 1/3 of the population of earth.
7.5. industrial revoloution
7.5.1. this is what caused a major growth in our population during the 1800's.
7.6. exponential growth
7.6.1. something that dubbles every time so it starts of very slow but once it gets half way it really starts to go up.
7.7. sustainability
7.7.1. what someting needs to stay living.
7.8. logistic growth
7.8.1. this is the s curve, has a carrying capacity.
7.9. J-curve
7.9.1. the population starts growing slowly but then grows very fast.
7.10. S-curve
7.10.1. when the population grows and then levels out and looks like an s.
7.11. Population growth rate
7.11.1. the rate in witch the population grows per year.