Blooms Taxonomy + Classroom Technology

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Blooms Taxonomy + Classroom Technology by Mind Map: Blooms Taxonomy + Classroom Technology

1. Apply

1.1. is a platform where students can create their own multimedia posters to organize thoughts, present information, represent ideas or explain information. They can include video, audio, and photo representations along with the ability to add text for further annotations. Students can apply the information and strategies learned in class to create these posters. This also provides students with multiple means of expression as they can use all different kinds of media to apply their knowledge of the content.

2. Analyze

2.1. allows students to create all kinds of different graphic organizers. Using this they can compare and contrast, build character profiles and and organize their thinking.

3. Understand

3.1. allows students to read articles at their independent reading levels. While reading students highlight and annotate to better understand the reading. Students also become more engaged as there is an enormous selection of articles to choose from.

4. Remember

4.1. introduces ELA terms, strategies and vocabulary through catchy music videos. After the music video students can take quizzes on the information presented. This helps students remember and recall important information by presenting the information through multiple means of representation using both visual imagery and music to represent information.

5. Evaluate

5.1. GoogleDocs. allows students to collaborate and evaluate each others writing. Using this tool students can highlight, comment on, and edit each others work.

6. Create

6.1. allows students to create their own websites. After researching and writing a paper on a an activist topic students create their own website to inform the public about the cause and how to get involved.