My Virtual Library

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My Virtual Library by Mind Map: My Virtual Library

1. Teachers

1.1. Ontario College of Teachers (

1.2. Professional Development Links

1.3. Upcoming Social Events from the Board

1.4. Resources from school library:

1.4.1. Science Units/Kits

1.4.2. Math Units/Kits

1.4.3. Literacy Units/Kits

1.4.4. Fine Arts Units/Kits

1.4.5. Physical Education/Health OPHEA Canada's Food Guide Link

1.4.6. EQAO

2. Students

2.1. AW/Google Docs

2.2. Research:

2.2.1. Wikis

2.2.2. Britannica

2.3. Reading:

2.3.1. Raz-Kids

2.3.2. Tumble Books

2.3.3. Starfall

2.3.4. Audio Books

2.3.5. EQAO Practice

2.4. Math:

2.4.1. Prodigy

2.4.2. Math Frog (

2.4.3. Virtual Manipulatives (

2.5. Graphic Organizers/Presentations:

2.5.1. Powerpoint

2.5.2. Prezi

2.5.3. Mindmeister

2.5.4. Mindonom

2.5.5. Google Slide

2.5.6. Pixie

2.6. Upcoming Events at the School

2.6.1. Book Fair

2.6.2. School Dance

2.6.3. Contests

2.7. Digital Citizenship

3. Community

3.1. Local ESL, Linc Classes

3.2. Close by Public Library Links

3.3. E-learning online

3.4. Parent Council

3.5. School News

3.6. Homework Help:

3.6.1. Audio books

3.6.2. Tumble Books

3.6.3. Raz-Kids

3.6.4. Math Links

3.7. After School Programs/Daycares

3.8. Camps

3.9. Community Centers

4. Sources:

4.1. "The Virtual Library as a Learning Hub" By: Anita Brooks-Kirkland

4.2. "The Virtual Library

4.3. Toronto District School Board (