Electronic and Digital Signatures

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Electronic and Digital Signatures por Mind Map: Electronic and Digital Signatures

1. need for Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures

1.1. Cut Operational costs, boost business processes (automatically), green environment protection, high efficiency. (Tan)

1.2. advantages digital signature

1.2.1. Speed: Businesses no longer have to wait for paper documents to be sent by courier. Contracts are easily written, completed, and signed by all concerned parties in a little amount of time no matter how far the parties are geographically.

1.2.2. Costs: Using postal or courier services for paper documents is much more expensive compared to using digital signatures on electronic documents.

1.2.3. Security: The use of digital signatures and electronic documents reduces risks of documents being intercepted, read, destroyed, or altered while in transit.

1.3. #cut operational costs

1.4. #go green

1.5. #improve efficiency & collaboration

1.6. #automate and speed up business processes.

2. three major legal requirements in Digital Signature

2.1. 1. Signer Authentication 2. Message Authentication 3. Message Availability - different signature when documents changed. (Tan)

2.2. The Signer Must Know the Signature is Legally Binding

2.3. There Must Be Disclosure and Consent

2.4. The Document Must Be Secure from Tampering

2.5. All Signers Should Have Access to the Document

2.6. All Actions Taken Should Be Documented

3. implementation of Digital Signatures.

3.1. The first and least bulletproof on the ladder is to use a picture of your signature on any document, whether it's a PDF, DOC, DOCX, or other file type.

3.2. The second class of signatures, is signing one's name to a document electronically by typing your name in one of the following formats: For submissions to the Federal court system: /s/Angela West For submissions to the Patent & Trademark Office: /Angela West/ Both the // and the /s/ methods are considered to be legitimate signatures under the Federal E-Sign act, and acceptable enough for the legal industry. It is recommends using these on lower-priority contracts--such as an agreement for low-value, non-recurring services--where enforceability is unlikely to be called into question.

3.3. Sender signed documents using private key to encrypt hash produced by signing software and receiver uses public key to decrypt signed document. Hash values will be matched, if not match, then maybe information is tampered (integrity), or private key produced by signed document do not match public key represented receiver (authentication) (Tan)

3.4. Digital signatures are based on public key cryptography, also known as asymmetric cryptography. Using a public key algorithm such as RSA, one can generate two keys that are mathematically linked: one private and one public. To create a digital signature, signing software (such as an email program) creates a one-way hash of the electronic data to be signed. The private key is then used to encrypt the hash. The encrypted hash -- along with other information, such as the hashing algorithm -- is the digital signature.

4. the use of Digital Signature in an electronic document.

4.1. prove someone has already at least seen the document. (Tan)

4.2. can contain additional information, such as the date and time of signature and the reason for signing documents.

4.3. When you apply a digital signature, Acrobat embeds an encrypted message digest in the PDF file, along with the details from your certificate and a version of the document at the time it was signed.

5. Differences between electronic and digital signatures

5.1. A digital signature is a type of electronic signature that offers more security than a traditional electronic signature. While in electronic signature, customers can sign documents online with a click of the mouse or by using their fingers to trace a handwritten signature onto a document.

5.2. *digital signature referred to advanced or standard electronic signature. *electronic signature provides the highest levels of security & universal acceptance.

5.3. *digital signatures are based on public key infrastructure (PKI) technology. *electronic signature is a propriety formal that may be digitized image of a handwritten signature,a symbol,voice print.

5.4. *digital signature cannot be copied tampered with or altered. *electronic signature is vulnerable to copying and tampering and invites forgery. it are not legally binding&will require property software.

6. What's the difference between an electronic signature and a digital signature? [Video]

7. Digital Signature

7.1. standard electronic signature take concept of traditional paper-bsed signing and turnsto electronic fingerprint

7.2. covert electronic paper signing to electronic electronic "Fingerprint" as coded message. Need authentication thus secure. if signed documents cahne, then the signature valid, too.CA prove Digital signature (Tan)

7.3. A digital signatre is amathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message, software or digital document

7.3.1. signature-----> meassage using public key

7.3.2. message ------> signature using private key

8. Automation. Once the doc is signed on paper, then what? Someone has to type it into some software? Store it securely? Destroy it on a schedule? With electronic signature, the corresponding data can be automatically fed in - via API, CSV, etc. - to other systems - including marketing automation for businesses that replace clipboards for example.

9. It operates using public and private keys - a form of encryption. They act like a virtual combination lock and only work when both elements are present. When a document is sent to a recipient, the signatory's software and private key are used to scramble the contents and encrypt the document - the addition of the private key is effectively an electronic signature. When the recipient receives the document, they must then use the sender's public key to unlock and decrypt the data - the same as putting the right key in a padlock.

10. Electronic Signatures

10.1. Intent to sign – Electronic signatures, like traditional wet ink signatures, are valid only if each party intended to sign.

10.2. Consent to do business electronically – The parties to the transaction must consent to do business electronically. Establishing that a business consented can be done by analyzing the circumstances of the interaction, but consumers require special considerations. Electronic records may be used in transactions with consumers only when the consumer has: Received UETA Consumer Consent Disclosures Affirmatively agreed to use electronic records for the transaction Has not withdrawn such consent

10.3. Association of signature with the record – In order to qualify as an electronic signature under the ESIGN Act and UETA, the system used to capture the transaction must keep an associated record that reflects the process by which the signature was created, or generate a textual or graphic statement (which is added to the signed record) proving that it was executed with an electronic signature.

10.4. Record retention – U.S. laws on eSignatures and electronic transactions require that electronic signature records be capable of retention and accurate reproduction for reference by all parties or persons entitled to retain the contract or record.

10.5. An electronic signature is similar to a hand-written signature on a paper document in that it shows who the document is from and that it is "signed" by the "signatory". You could say it is like a digital stamp unique to the signatory.

10.6. The DocuSign electronic signature solution in the United States complies with the definition of an electronic signature under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA).

10.7. Digital Images of Handwritten Signatures. Can be easily copy thus insecure. Everyone can type name of other people wihout permission. (Tan)

10.8. an electronic signature can be as basic as a handwritten signature.

11. safety in a digital signature and handwritten signatures

11.1. The main benefits of using electronic signatures are that they confirm the document is from the signatory and that it has not been tampered with.

11.2. Digital signature is secure since Certificate Authority (CA) is involved in process of authentication while handwritten signatures has vulnerabilities to copy by others, information tampering and signature forgery. (Tan)

11.3. Digital signatures can provide the added assurances of evidence to origin, identity and status of an electronic document, transaction or message, as well as acknowledging informed consent by the signer.

12. Eletronic signature

12.1. An electronic signature or e-signature, indicates either that a person who demands to have created a message is the one who created it. A signature can be defined as a schematic script related with a person. A signature on a document is a sign that the person accepts the purposes recorded in the document. In many engineering companies digital seals are also required for another layer of authentication and security. Digital seals and signatures are same as handwritten signatures and stamped seals.

13. Advantages of electronic signature

13.1. Going Green, but it’s far more than just saving paper - it’s the inks and dyes to make the paper, the pollution from ink cartridges, the hassle of jammed printers. You’ll miss the joy of TPS report faxing (just kidding… office space joke there), even pens require plastic, then there’s the energy shipping all this stuff around.. so that you can then have the joy of hard-copy which you then presumably need to store securely, using real estate, then eventually destroy securely, using electricity and shredders. There’s even the direct health impact of inkjet cartridge air pollution.

13.2. Reduce Costs

14. Roles of digital signature

14.1. to ensure legal validity

14.2. to avoid fraud.

14.3. to ensure message integrity

15. How digital signatures work?

15.1. Digital signatures, like handwritten signatures, are unique to each signer. Digital signature solution providers, such as DocuSign, follow a specific protocol, called PKI. PKI requires the provider to use a mathematical algorithm to generate two long numbers, called keys. One key is public, and one key is private. When a signer electronically signs a document, the signature is created using the signer’s private key, which is always securely kept by the signer. The mathematical algorithm acts like a cipher, creating data matching the signed document, called a hash, and encrypting that data. The resulting encrypted data is the digital signature. The signature is also marked with the time that the document was signed. If the document changes after signing, the digital signature is invalidated.