1. Clean Water PSA
2. what is water means to the most threatened county by sever water shortage ?
3. the five countries most threatened by severe water shortages Yemen Libya Western Sahara Djibouti Jordan But in this curriculum am only focusing on one country Jordan
4. Why Jordan has water shortage ?
5. essential question: What are you doing, Steve?
6. Essential Questions
7. Who is the responsible on the shortage water in Jordan ?
7.1. Is the real reason behind the water shortage in Jordan natural reasons or political reasons ?
8. conversation
8.1. Why would people buy water if water is safe to drink?
9. glugbytgovtuyt
10. Rationale / Unit Overview
10.1. key concept
11. Water is Life
11.1. essential questions
11.1.1. how does water effect your everyday life? how do you use water? showers drinking cleaning eating/cooking how would you use a finite amount of water? what would take priority?
11.1.2. How does water effect communities? who is responsible for providing water? how is water accessed?
11.1.3. What is the value of water? what good is money without clean water?
11.1.4. How accessible is water? how do you access water?
11.2. Key concepts
11.2.1. community
11.2.2. collaboration
11.3. Activity (SEA)
11.3.1. how can we be water protectors? why isn't everyone concerned with protecting and conserving clean water?
11.3.2. creating ceramic vessels that irrigate gardens slowly leach water gradually water the soil Creating Ollas Jorge Quintana Makes an Olla
11.4. Artist
11.4.1. standing rock
11.4.2. water protectors
11.4.3. activists Xiuhtezcatl Martinez
12. Water Accessibility
12.1. Key Concepts
12.1.1. Transpedagogy
12.1.2. Collaboration
12.1.3. Conversation
12.2. Essential Questions
12.2.1. How is freshwater redistributed?
12.2.2. What contaminates freshwater and how can it be remedied? Why doesn't everyone have access to clean drinking water? Who has access to clean drinking water? Why? How much does it cost to make clean water accessible?
12.2.3. Who is responsible for keeping reservoirs and other freshwater sources clean? Department of Environmental Protection
12.3. Community Asset
12.4. Artists
12.4.1. Charity: Water Clean Drinking Water for Developing Countries Artists 4 Water BNE
12.4.2. Waves For Water About Us - Waves For Water
12.5. Activity (SEA)
12.5.1. Investigating who is responsible for making clean water accessible.
12.5.2. To collaborate with Artists 4 Water in order to raise funds to fix piping and infrastructure.
12.6. Rationale/Unit
12.6.1. Water is essential for heath and survival.
12.6.2. Access to clean water should be a basic human right.
12.6.3. Creating artwork inspired by the concept of water. To raise awareness of water contamination within the school.
13. Water Scarcity
13.1. Essential Question
13.1.1. If the earth is 71% water, then why should we (in America) care about water scarcity?
13.2. Rationale
13.2.1. Creating a visual representation of the amount of water on earth compared to the amount of potable water on earth might cause people to consider the subject of water scarcity in more realistic terms. https://water.usgs.gov/edu/pictures/full-size/global-water-volume-fresh-large.jpg
13.3. Key Concepts
13.3.1. Transpedagogy, antagonism, collaboration, community, participation, conversation
13.4. Activity (SEA)
13.4.1. Displaying a visual model in a public place that shows 1. The earth. 2. The amount of water on earth. 3. The amount of fresh-water on Earth. 4. The amount of fresh water that is accessible in the form of rivers and streams, on which most life depends. Ask the community/volunteers to identify what the three spheres (excluding the earth) represent. Various Models:1. Representation as paper mache spheres 2. Representation as everyday objects (balls, etc.) 3. Representation as water bottles.
13.4.2. Possibilities include: Asking people to write on post-it notes and label each representation, Interviewing people and recording responses, Taking surveys, etc.
13.5. Community Asset
13.5.1. Local water department (Montpelier City Public Works)
13.6. Artists
13.6.1. Carolyn Shapiro, Delia Robinson local artists who painted a small mural in city hall depicting where our water comes from. Water & Sewer | Montpelier, VT
13.7. Other Important Information
13.7.1. Of all the water on Earth, 96.5% is in the oceans. Many people (women and children) in Africa and Asia have to walk several miles each day to reach fresh drinking water. In addition to drinking, people need water for bathing, brushing their teeth, laundry, and cooking. By 2025, 1.8 billion people will be living in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity.
14. Rationale/Water quality
14.1. community
14.1.1. Who buys bottles of water? Who doesn't? Contact the local water authority for a water quality report
14.2. antagonism
14.2.1. Are corporations are making big money from the commodification of water? Perrier started the bottled water trend in the 1970's Justification that more people are buying water than soda now People that think their water is contaminated Is it more convenient to grab a bottle of water then fill a reusable container?
14.3. conversation
14.3.1. Do all people in the USA have access to clean water? Environmental, economical and societal impact of buying water in plastic bottles Only 15% of plastic water bottles get recycled/downcycled
14.4. SEA activity: Water Giveaway
14.4.1. Have a table with commercial bottles of water or an ice cold pitcher of tap water and offer either to the general public. Would they trust a stranger? Would they trust the bottled water?
14.5. Artists/Activists
14.5.1. Greenpeace
15. The Cost of Water
15.1. Rationale:
15.2. Essential Questions:
15.2.1. What is the cost of water? Why is water not free? How can the presentation of facts change minds? How can antagonistic methods be used to promote an idea?
15.3. Community Asset
15.3.1. VT Department of Environmental Conservation Clean Water Initiative
15.3.2. EPA
15.3.3. Water is Life
15.4. Activity (SEA)
15.4.1. PSA Poster: hand created or digital Podcast 2 min video Animation T shirt design Postcard
15.5. Artists
15.5.1. JustSeeds Wellspring Prints Numerous artsits
15.6. Resources
15.6.1. Books The Water Princess by Susan Verde
15.6.2. Video
15.6.3. Sites Reservoir Studio VT Dept of Natural Resources EPA One Water All the Things
16. Technology for Clean Water
16.1. Essential Questions
16.1.1. How to make salt water potable?
16.1.2. Who and where is there a need for this technology?
16.1.3. How to make rain water from lakes, rivers, puddles etc. drinkable? Through art practices such as ceramics, drawing, photography etc.
16.2. Unit Overview
16.2.1. Discovering a way to make clean drinking water through initially learning where and who is in need of this resource and how collective involvement can make a change.
16.3. Key Concepts
16.3.1. Defining who needs water and taking social action
16.3.2. collectively collaborating in order to make social change Brainstorm a project. Make the project. disperse the project.
16.4. Community Asset
16.4.1. display artwork and artwork in process in a community space (Example would be how Steve made water filters in front of museum)
16.4.2. Volunteer by going through the community and seeing where and who doesn't have potable water. Then finding a way to solve these problems. Such as making a filter for them.
16.5. Activity
16.5.1. For K-6 : Read "Clean Water for Elirose" Ask students to make posters of what they learned from reading several books. These posters will act as a way to inform people of the water crisis throughout the world.
16.5.2. For 6-12 : Read "Every Last Drop" by Michelle Mulder to get ideas on ways to help the community Make water filtration systems through ceramics Make fog catchers If materials are not available, design a fog catcher and provide a poster of what it will look like, how it works and who is in need of these.
17. Rational unit overview
18. community asset
19. key concept
19.1. Collaboration
19.1.1. How the water shortage in Jordan can be fixed ? Is it the Jordanian citizen responsibility to fix the water crises or the Jordanian government ?
20. Rising Water
20.1. Key Conceots
20.1.1. Water And Climate Change Keywords: TIdes, Floods, High Water Marks, Glaciers
20.2. Essential Questions
20.2.1. How does Climate Change affect water? How do People affect water? Dams Displacement Floods Natural Disaster Melting Glaciers
20.3. Community Assets
20.3.1. Records and Floods of high water marks from library records, local hydrologists Map displacement of Native Cultures and the Low-Income
20.4. Activity (SEA
20.4.1. Mark the Flood lines in town
20.5. Artists
20.5.1. Mary Miss Boulder Creek - Blue Disks
20.5.2. Maya Lin Confluence
21. Lead in drinking water in Philadelphia PA
21.1. Key concepts
21.1.1. Clean drinking water should be a human right.
21.1.2. Collaboration
21.1.3. Transpedagogy Blending art practice with educational process
21.2. Essential questions
21.2.1. What areas of the city have more concentrations of lead in drinking water? Why?
21.2.2. How does the issue of lead in drinking water affect renters and homeowners differently?
21.3. Community Asset
21.3.1. EPA
21.3.2. Philly Unleaded Project: A citizen-led project to independently test about a hundred houses in low income neighborhoods across Philadelphia
21.4. Activity (SEA)
21.5. Artists
21.5.1. Michael Dykehouse,
21.5.2. ACT collective
21.5.3. Water Bar Welcome
21.5.4. Steve Carpenter
21.5.5. See some of the art from Buckham Gallery's Flint water crisis exhibit
21.6. Additional Resources
21.6.1. http://planphilly.com/uploads/media_items/how-to-check-if-you-have-lead-in-your-water-pipes.350.449.s.png
21.6.2. Every Last Drop by Michelle Mulder