Test Taking Tips

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Test Taking Tips by Mind Map: Test Taking Tips

1. Use your time wisely

1.1. Decide how much time is needed for each question

1.2. Spend more time on questions that are worth more points

2. Jot down ideas

2.1. Write down any formulas/notes you will need

3. Start with the easy questions

3.1. Leave enough time for essays

3.2. Answer multiple choice/simple response first

4. Answer all questions

4.1. Provide as much info. as you can remember

5. Types of Test Questions

5.1. Essay questions

5.1.1. Require a few paragraphs as response

5.1.2. Figure out how much time will be needed to answer

5.1.3. Read the whole question before responding

5.1.4. Develop an outline for your answer

5.1.5. Organize your answer

5.1.6. Use the key words in your response

5.2. Multiple-Choice questions

5.2.1. Provide a number of answers to a questions (between 3 and 5)

5.2.2. Choose the correct or best answer

5.3. Fill-in-the-Blank questions

5.3.1. Phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank for the student to fill in the missing word

5.4. True/False

5.4.1. Determine whether a statement is true or not

5.4.2. Questions containing the words always, never, and only tend to be false

5.4.3. Questions containing the words often and frequently suggest the statement is possibly true

5.4.4. You may be able to use information from another question to help you answer a true/false question

5.5. Matching questions

5.5.1. Terms in one column and descriptions in another

5.5.2. Review all terms/descriptions before beginning to match them

5.5.3. Use flashcards to study for these types of questions (term on one side description on the other)

6. Write your name on the test

6.1. Fill in student ID number

7. Look over the test

7.1. Read all the instructions

7.2. Ask the instructor for clarification if you don't understand something

7.3. Be confident/don't panic

7.4. Answer one question at a time

8. Take time to focus

9. Review

9.1. Check for errors

9.2. Don't leave the test until your time is up

9.3. Reread instructions one more time