West Lexham - consolidated website

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West Lexham - consolidated website por Mind Map: West Lexham - consolidated website

1. Stay

1.1. accommodation options

1.1.1. local attractions

2. What's the Deal

2.1. All on one page. Sections are: courses, stay, activities, volunteer

3. Blog

4. Contact

4.1. All one one page: getting here / email

5. Venue Hire

6. Story

6.1. History

6.2. What's Happening

6.3. Where We're Going

6.4. The Team

7. Courses & Events

7.1. courses

7.1.1. per page course breakdown

7.2. events

7.3. calendar

7.3.1. may / june / july / august / september per page synopsis of what's coming up

7.4. searchable overview

8. Opportunities

8.1. All one one page at present, paragraphs on enterprise, run a course, run an event.

9. New node