Association of the Fulfillment of Attachment Needs, Perceived Sexual and Nonsexual Behaviors, Sen...

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Association of the Fulfillment of Attachment Needs, Perceived Sexual and Nonsexual Behaviors, Sense of Connection, and Sex and Marriage Satisfaction by Mind Map: Association of the Fulfillment of Attachment Needs, Perceived Sexual and Nonsexual Behaviors, Sense of Connection, and Sex and Marriage Satisfaction

1. Assessment of Participant Definitions

1.1. Gather and Compare definitions of positive and negative sexual and nonsexual behaviors

1.1.1. Are there similarities in definitions among participants of decreased satisfaction, negative behaviors, and decreased attachment levels?

1.1.2. Are there similarities in definitions among participants of increased satisfaction, positive behaviors, and increased attachment levels?

2. Associations between measured variables

2.1. Sexual behaviors

2.2. Marriage/relationship satisfaction

2.3. Sex satisfaction

2.4. Nonsexual Behaviors

2.5. Sense of connection

2.6. Attachment Need Fulfillment

3. Occurrence of Change

3.1. Does change among variables occur simultaneously?

3.2. Change in one variable lead to change in another variable?

3.3. Does change occur systemically?

3.4. How do results suggest change occurs between the three behavioral systems of attahcment theory

4. Participation Requirements

4.1. Open to Married and not married couples together a minimum of one year

4.2. Open to persons of all race, age, ethnicity, cultures, socio-economic status, religion, living location, and etc.

5. Lens of Attachment Theory

5.1. 3 Behavioral Systems

5.1.1. Sex System

5.1.2. Caregiving System

5.1.3. Attachment System

5.2. Attachment Styles

5.2.1. Secure

5.2.2. Insecure Avoidant Anxious

6. Possible Assessment Tools

6.1. Index of Sexual Satisfaction

6.2. Compassionate Love for a Close Other Scale

6.3. Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale

6.4. Quality of Marriage Index

7. Participant Gathering

7.1. Flyers placed in therapy centers

7.2. Flyers placed in Columbus Ga. and Opelika Al. community facilitiies

7.3. Invite to current individual, couple, family, and group clientele

8. Comparison of participant results based upon demographic, background, and relationship status information

8.1. Results of married couples versus not married couples

8.2. Results of couples with increased marital length versus newly married couples

8.3. Results of couples with increased age differences versus those close in age