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Physics by Mind Map: Physics

1. Chapter 3 : Forces & Pressure

1.1. Free-body diagrams

1.1.1. addition of parallel vectors

1.1.2. addition of non- parallel vectors 1. Choose scale 2. Draw arrows to represent forces 3. Complete parallelogram 4. R.F is represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram. - magnitude = diagonal - direction= angle from horizontal line.

1.2. Pressure

1.2.1. SI Unit : Pa p = f/a

1.3. Motion of objects

1.3.1. Newton's 1st law of motion Every object will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless a R.F acts on it. Balanced forces R.F = 0 Acceleration = 0 Object at rest will remain at rest. Object in motion will remain at constant velocity.

1.3.2. Newton's 2nd law of motion When a R.F acts on an object of constant mess, the object will accelerate in the direction of the R.F. R.F = ma Unbalanced forces R.F ≠ 0 Acceleration ≠ 0 Object at rest will move Object in motion will change its velocity

1.3.3. Newton's 3rd law of motion If body A exerts a force on body B, then body B will exert an equal & opposite force on body A.

1.4. Effects of force

1.4.1. A body at rest moves

1.4.2. A moving body increases in speed

1.4.3. A moving body decreases in speed

1.4.4. A moving body changes direction

2. Chapter 4 : Mass, Weight, Density

2.1. Mass

2.1.1. Amt. of substance in a body

2.1.2. Is a measure of inertia

2.2. Weight

2.2.1. The gravitational force acting on an object

2.2.2. SI Unit : N W = mg

2.2.3. Gravitational field strength is the gravitational force acting per unit mass. Gravitational field is a region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction.

2.3. Density

2.3.1. Mass per unit volume

2.3.2. SI Unit : kg/m^3 p = m/v

2.4. Inertia

2.4.1. The reluctance of the object to change its state of rest or motion due to its mass.

3. Chapter 1 : Measurement

3.1. Physical quatity

3.1.1. can be measured and consist of a unit and magnitude.

3.2. Vector quatity

3.2.1. can be measured and consist of a unit, magnitude and direction.

3.3. Prefixes

3.3.1. cannot measure thin objects.

3.3.2. kilo - k mega - M giga -- tera - milli - m micro - nano - pico -- deci - d - 10^-1 centi - c - 10^-2

3.4. Vernier calipers

3.4.1. 0.01cm / 0.1mm check for zero error! check if the zero mark coincides with the zero mark on the vernier scale when the outside jaws touch each other.

3.5. Micrometer screw gauge

3.5.1. 0.01mm / 0.1cm check for zero error! check if the smallest reading is 0.00mm, where the spindle touches the anvil. +Below datum line - positive +Above datum line - negative

3.5.2. measure thick to thin objects.

4. Chapter 2 : Kinematics

4.1. Scalars

4.1.1. Physical quantities with units and magnitude only.

4.1.2. Speed Scalar quantity SI Unit : m/s

4.2. Vectors

4.2.1. Distance SI Unit : m

4.2.2. Physical quantities with units, magnitude and direction.

4.2.3. Velocity SI Unit : m/s Velocity = displacement/time

4.2.4. Acceleration a = V-U / T

4.2.5. Displacement

4.3. Graphs

4.3.1. The gradient in distance - time graph gives the speed.

4.3.2. The gradient in Speed - time graph gives the acceleration.

4.3.3. The area under speed - time graph gives the distance.