Students not good in English language

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Students not good in English language by Mind Map: Students not good in English language

1. Vernacular speaking in schools.

2. The condition of environment.

3. lack of vocabulary

3.1. drop down their performance in English.

4. drop down their performance in English.

5. Current issue in Education in Malaysia

6. requires a very calm environment and attentive.

7. poor practice speaking.

7.1. do not use english environmenr

7.2. speak in native language

8. Lacking of reading and writing English.

9. Poor attention given to the subject.

10. they admire more entertainment from the study

11. they dislike flipping newspaper or article

11.1. unable to understand the texts

12. students think that learning English is boring.

12.1. teachers teach using textbooks

13. students think that other subjects are more important