Mobile Apps for Teaching

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Mobile Apps for Teaching by Mind Map: Mobile Apps for Teaching

1. Data/Organization

1.1. Three Ring

1.1.1. This app allows students and teachers to create digital portfolios of their learning that can be shared with others.

1.2. Google Keep

1.2.1. This app allows you to create notes, dictate notes, set reminders, add photos or drawings and even add collaborators. Because it is Google, it will also sync to all of your devices.

1.3. My Binder

1.3.1. This app is another organizational app. It is good for school notes, work notes, to-do notes. It can be used as a journal, to write stories, or just as a notepad. Create unlimited notebooks, each with 5 colored coded tabs with the ability to add unlimited pages per tab, to help you organize your notes.

2. Learning

2.1. Kahoot!

2.1.1. This app works like a game controller. It allows teachers to create a learning game where students can join on individual devices and answer the questions. It also uses a common screen to show results. (Like your Smart board)

2.2. Google Classroom

2.2.1. This is an app version that allows students to work on assignments or communicate with the class on a personal device such as a tablet or phone.

2.3. WolframAlpha

2.3.1. This is a math and science app that helps students who are struggling with concepts in those areas. They can enter information and get a response that teaches them the concept.

3. Communication

3.1. Remind 101

3.1.1. This is a communication app that allows the teacher to communicate with students and parents. Through this app you can send messages to both without having to let them have your mobile number.

3.2. Class Dojo

3.2.1. While this is a classroom management app, it also allows communication with the parents. Parents can go on and see updates on behavior, and class work located in student portfolios.

3.3. Teacher Class 123

3.3.1. This is another communication tool that teachers can use to communicate with parents and students. It also has tools like timers, random selectors and goal trackers.