Kick-ass Survival Walkthrough

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Kick-ass Survival Walkthrough by Mind Map: Kick-ass Survival Walkthrough

1. Refine Survival Skills vs. Not

1.1. Refining your Survival Skills

1.1.1. Pros

1.1.2. Cons

1.2. Not Refining your Survival Skills

1.2.1. Cons ONLY

2. Get Prepared

2.1. Mentally erase all distractions

2.2. Learn as much about the 'enemy'

2.3. Tools

2.4. Maintain perseverance

2.5. If you're living in hell, you'd better believe in a Higher Power

3. Elements of Survival

3.1. Trust yourself

3.2. Be realistic, with a little bit of crazy

3.3. Become physically fit

3.4. Limit food intake, to slow up heart and extend longevity

3.5. Keep the proper tools

3.6. Become a nomad

3.7. Master at Living-off-the-Land