Peer-Support (involving peers to provide help on content-based questions)

describing the work done by Van Rosemalen(Van Rosmalen et al, 2008) at OUNL

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Peer-Support (involving peers to provide help on content-based questions) 作者: Mind Map: Peer-Support (involving peers to provide help on content-based questions)

1. searching for eligible/suitable peer to provide help on a given content-based question asked by a learner

1.1. availability

1.1.1. has time for help

1.1.2. has no other tasks

1.2. tutor competency

1.2.1. has competency to give tutorial help to others

1.3. content competency

1.3.1. Learning Activity (LA) status (0= not completed, 1= completed)

1.3.2. competence assessment (other measures of competence assessment)

1.3.3. Can we find learners' competence based on their Web 2.0 text content (blogs, wiki, tags)?