Designing a Trophy Case

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Designing a Trophy Case by Mind Map: Designing a Trophy Case

1. Mediator

1.1. Help Person B Set Realistic Goals

1.1.1. Yay Newspaper Articles

1.1.2. Yay Pictures

1.1.3. Nay Claymation and Expensive Stands

2. Person B

2.1. Motivated to dig for extras

2.2. Might take longer to do job

2.3. Has Creative Energy

3. Person B

3.1. Not involved with logistics... jumps into research to find articles and pictures

3.1.1. Later works with group to finalize arrangement of trophies with extras

4. Person A

4.1. responsible for transport and arranging trophies in display right away

4.1.1. Later works with group to allow room for photos/articles

5. Person A

5.1. Wants Efficiency

5.2. Seeks Quick Results

5.3. Lacks Creative Energy

6. Mediator

6.1. Help Person A Gain Creative Energy

6.1.1. Can fill in back ground of case if there any missing spots

7. Mediator

7.1. Assists A&B with their tasks (works twice as hard?)