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global warming by Mind Map: global warming

1. ways to stop

1.1. do not burn garbage

1.2. do not throw garbage in rivers

1.3. do not burn forests

2. affects

2.1. social changes

2.1.1. political changes

2.1.2. changes in people

2.2. natural

2.2.1. destruction of iceberg

2.2.2. more heat

2.2.3. forest destruction

3. countries that are againts global warmings

3.1. u.s

3.1.1. barak

3.2. canada

3.2.1. justin frudeau

4. contaminants

4.1. secondary

4.1.1. burn forests

4.1.2. destuction forest

4.2. mains

4.2.1. petroleo train airplane car

4.2.2. carbon and alectricity house building