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Ecologist by Mind Map: Ecologist

1. About the job

1.1. Main aim: restore, protect

1.1.1. Local and Geographical distribution - abundance of organism

1.1.2. Relevant between human and enviroment, organisms

1.2. Salary

1.2.1. ranging from 35k$ - 73k$ per year

1.2.2. median: 51k$/year

2. Aristotle

2.1. books

2.1.1. Movement of Animals

2.1.2. Progression of Animals,

2.1.3. Generation of Animals

2.1.4. History of Animals

2.1.5. Historia animalium

2.2. Theory

2.2.1. Aristotle's biology information processing embryogenesis temperature regulation metabolism inheritance

2.3. Platon Academy (Akademia)

2.3.1. 428/427 BC – 348/347 BC

2.3.2. Aristotle studied here 20 yrs

2.4. Profession: Polymath, Ecologist, Philosopher, Writer, etc.

2.5. Birthplace: Stagira, Greece

2.6. Age: Died at 62 (384 BC-322 BC)

2.7. Biology, Zoology, Politics, Physics, Metaphysics, etc.

3. Why did I choose this?

3.1. Protect the enviroment

3.2. High salary

3.3. Work with bosses in the government