Agents of Erosion

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Agents of Erosion by Mind Map: Agents of Erosion

1. Guidelines

1.1. Anything goes!

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1.3. The Wilder The Better

1.4. Quantity is Quality

1.5. Set a Time Limit

2. WAVE EROSION Waves in oceans and other large bodies of water produce coastal erosion. The power of oceanic waves is awesome, large storm waves can produce 2000 pounds of pressure per square foot. The pure energy of waves along with the chemical content of the water is what erodes the rock of the coastline. Erosion of sand is much easier for the waves and sometimes, there's an annual cycle where sand is removed from a beach during one season, only to be returned by waves in another.

3. ICE EROSION The erosive power of moving ice is actually a bit greater than the power of water but since water is much more common, it is responsible for a greater amount of erosion on the earth's surface.

4. WATER EROSION: Water is the most important erosional agent and erodes most commonly as running water in streams. However, water in all its forms is erosional. Raindrops (especially in dry environments) create splash erosion that moves tiny particles of soil.

5. WIND EROSION: Erosion by wind is known as aeolian (or eolian) erosion (named after Aeolus, the Greek god of winds) and occurs almost always in deserts.