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Hukou System by Mind Map: Hukou System

1. Negatives

1.1. Economical

1.1.1. Attempts to keep rural workers and urban workers in their respective areas Discrimination

1.1.2. The migrant workers are working for less for being rural More discrimination leads to bad relations between rural/urban people

1.2. Social

1.2.1. Discriminates against rural workers Rural people cannot have same schooling or health care as urban people Children of rural parents have no urban rights even if they were raised in the city There children send back to rural areas

1.2.2. "People attempting to transfer from rural to urban are treated like illegal immigrants - inside their own country!" - Rob Schmitz Leads to exploitation in work "You have to work 18 hours or your fired" Children fend for themselves Hard to find jobs to support family Results in children being send back to rural areas

1.2.3. 1/3 of Beijing people (6.6 million) have no health care and education due to being rural workers

1.2.4. 60 million "Left behind children (Children who's migrated parents cannot afford to have them in the city) Children not raised by parents Leads to higher crime in rural areas

2. Responses?

2.1. Negative

2.1.1. Government workers don't want to change Hukou Claim it would take a long time to reform all provinces and areas of China

3. Positives

3.1. Economical

3.1.1. Stops the cities becoming over crowded Overpopulation would result in less employed people lowering the overall economic value of the city

3.1.2. More jobs created by influx of people Not necessarily a positive as these people are generally poorly educated and used to rural work

3.2. Social

3.2.1. The government has a higher issue of control over the people

3.2.2. People CAN get healthcare and education even if they are rural however they must apply for it

4. Hukou system is a household registration system controlling education and healthcare of people.

4.1. Generally viewed as discriminatory

4.2. Used on a local level rather than reigonal