by Kristine Diaz
1. Functions of Culture
1.1. Culture defines situation
1.2. Culture defines myth, legends, and supernatural
1.3. Culture provides behavior pattern
1.4. Culture defines attitudes, values, and goals
2. Ethnocentricism
2.1. Tendency of each society to place its own culture pattern at the center of things
2.2. Functions of Ethnocentrism
2.2.1. Encourage the solidarity of the group
2.2.2. Hinders the understanding or the cooperation between groups
2.2.3. Conflict often leads to social change
3. Cultural Relativism
3.1. Idea that all norms, beliefs, and values are dependent on their cultural context and should be treated as such
4. Culture
4.1. Explicit Culture
4.1.1. Similarities in words and action which can be directly observed
4.2. Implicit Culture
4.2.1. Exist in abstract form which are not quite obvious