Special Economic Zones

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Special Economic Zones by Mind Map: Special Economic Zones

1. What are they?

1.1. Allocated regions that cater for different types of manufacturing.

1.2. There are seven special economic zones in China that are all located along the Eastern coast.

1.2.1. These zones include Binhai, Pudong, Xiamen, Shantou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Hainan.

2. Perspectives

2.1. Jim Coleman

2.1.1. Generally are aimed at benefitting the host country to attract foreign investment Objectives of the special economic zones depend on the countries level of development.

2.2. Stephen King

2.2.1. Provides a connection between China and other large global economies through trade.

3. Positives

3.1. Economic

3.1.1. More jobs are created throughout different regions of China A lower percentage of people are unemployed

3.1.2. Promotes foreign investment from other large economies Helps to develop and expand their own economy which may create even more jobs

3.1.3. Jobs created can vary in qualifications so there are jobs that can be suited to everyone

3.2. Social

3.2.1. Opens up partnerships between different countries

3.2.2. Puts individuals in loca

4. Negatives

4.1. Economic

4.1.1. A job that an individual specialises in may be only available in a different region If they want to continue work in that field, thy may have to relocate themselves and their family.

4.1.2. Due to this mass production, many individuals may be underpaid for the work they complete

4.1.3. If development of these industries does not keep up with the citizen demand for jobs it will create an environment that has a high concentration of unemployed people This has the ability to result in an increased amount of crime.

4.2. Social

4.2.1. Regions may become overpopulated and living standards for families could significantly decrease This could lead to an increase in infection / disease as there would be interaction between many different people

4.2.2. By moving to gain a job families may find it hard to adapt to a new environment