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Water Website by Mind Map: Water Website

1. Information

1.1. statistics

1.2. hygiene

1.3. animals

1.4. health or illnessess from water

1.5. third world conditions for water

2. Pictures

2.1. dirty water

2.2. bottled water

2.3. wells

2.4. lakes

2.5. rivers

3. Gadgets

3.1. games

3.2. helpful to make them become aware

4. flash button

4.1. colourful

4.1.1. clashing colours so that you notice it

4.2. standing out

4.3. leads to the right page

5. videos

5.1. informative

5.2. relevant facts

6. Bibliography

6.1. links to find out more info if we don't want to include so much