Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Politics of Education

1.1. Conservative

1.1.1. Support the Basics

1.1.2. Have accountability Measures

1.1.3. Introduce Free Market Mechanism

1.2. Liberal

1.2.1. Quality for All Students with Equality of Opportunity

1.2.2. Improvement of Failing Schools

1.2.3. Opportunities for Disadvantage Groups

1.2.4. Maintaining a Balance Between Setting Acceptable Performance Standards and Ensure That All Students Can Meet Tham

1.3. Radical

1.3.1. Support Causes Outside the Purview of the Educational System

1.3.2. Democratization of Schools

1.3.3. Support "Critical Pedagogy"

2. Purposes of Education

2.1. Intellectual

2.1.1. To teach cognitive skills such as reading, writing and mathematics.

2.2. Political

2.2.1. To inculate allegiance to the existing political order.

2.3. Social

2.3.1. To help solve social problems.

2.4. Economic

2.4.1. To prepare students for their later occupational roles.

3. Roles of the School

3.1. To be concerned with the aims purposes and functions of education in society.

3.2. To provide the necessary educational training to ensure the most talented and hard-working individuals receive the tool necessary to maximize economic and social productivity.

3.3. To provide the necessary education to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to succeed in society.

4. Educational Problems

4.1. Decline of Standards

4.2. Decline of Cultural Literacy

4.3. Decline of Values of Civilization

4.4. Decline of Authority

5. Unequal Educational Performance

5.1. Schooling has not sufficiently provided a reduction in inequality of results, and as an educational achievement and is closely related to student socioeconomic backgrounds

6. History of Education

6.1. The Reform Movement

6.1.1. The Rise of the Common School

6.2. Historical Interpretation

6.2.1. Is one of conflict, struggle and disagreements.

7. Sociology of Education

7.1. Theoretical Perspective

7.1.1. Functional Theories-Being independent of a social system

7.1.2. Conflict Theories-

7.1.3. Interactional Theories-

7.2. Effects of schooling on individuals

7.2.1. Teacher Behavior-Teachers leave a big impact on their students lives.

7.2.2. Student Peer Groups and Alienation-Conflict between the adult culture of the teachers and the student culture.

7.2.3. Inadequate Schools-Are schools that do not provide students with an education that they need to live a productive and fulfilling life.

7.2.4. Gender-Gender discrimination.

7.2.5. Employment-College graduates earn more money.