Laptop Stand

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Laptop Stand by Mind Map: Laptop Stand

1. Overall appearance

1.1. Simple

1.1.1. little detail

1.2. Colour

1.2.1. Natural colour of wood

1.3. Has an open place below so it doesn't get hot

2. Materials

2.1. wood

2.2. glue

3. What this solve

3.1. Back pain

3.2. Protect laptop from scratches

3.3. More organize desk

3.3.1. Chargers in place

3.3.2. Other additional stuff that goes with a laptop (earphones, mouse)

4. Target Market

4.1. Everyone who owns a laptop

4.2. Students and officers

4.3. People who can afford

5. Function

5.1. Hold a laptop

5.2. Prevent sliding

5.3. Prevent laptop getting hot

6. Size

6.1. Suitable for a laptop

6.2. Not too large or too small

6.3. Not too high

7. Weight

7.1. Needs to be possible to carry from place to place

7.2. Can support a laptop

8. Cost

8.1. Depends on final design

8.1.1. Amount of wood used

8.1.2. Amount of effort

8.1.3. How well it works

8.2. About $20-$40

8.3. Must be affordable