Articles "A" And "AN"

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Articles "A" And "AN" by Mind Map: Articles "A" And "AN"

1. Article AN

1.1. The article AN is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with vowel sounds.

1.1.1. Examples I saw an eagle at the zoo. An apple.

1.2. Use AN before words such as "hour" which sound like they start with a vowel even if the first letter is a consonant. Also use AN before letters and numbers which sound like they begin with a vowel, such as "F" or "8".

1.2.1. Examples I only have an hour for lunch. Does his name begin with an F?.

2. Article A

2.1. The article A is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.

2.1.1. Examples He is a teacher. I saw a bear at the zoo.

2.2. Use A before words like "European" or "University" that seem to begin with a consonant, even if the first letter is a voice. Also use A before letters and numbers that appear to begin with a consonant, such as "U", "J", "1", or "9".

2.2.1. Examples She has a euro. That number is a 1.