AI Study group

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AI Study group by Mind Map: AI Study group

1. Goals

1.1. Understand AI theory including Machine learning, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning and etc.

1.2. Start-up ?

2. How

2.1. Studying research Papers

2.2. Write research papers

2.3. Code analysis

2.4. Book review

2.5. Write books related to AI

2.6. Translate books with regard to AI

2.7. Studying AI theory using video lectures

2.8. Mini-project

2.8.1. Web App.

2.8.2. Engine

2.8.3. Mobile App. IOS Android Embedded Linux QT Raspberry PI

2.9. participate in competition

3. topic

3.1. AI

3.2. Deep Learning

3.3. Machine Learning

3.4. Reinforcement Learning

3.5. Natural Language Processing

3.6. Statistical Learning

3.7. Optimization