Foundations of Education

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Foundations of Education by Mind Map: Foundations of Education

1. Philosophy of Education

2. Schools as Organizations

2.1. Major Stakeholders

2.1.1. Federal

2.1.2. State

2.1.3. School Board

2.1.4. Local

2.2. Elements of Change

2.2.1. Processes

2.2.2. Cultures

3. Curriculum & Pedagogy

3.1. Curriculum Theory

3.1.1. Developmentalist

3.2. Dominant Traditions

3.2.1. Mimetic

3.2.2. Transformative

4. Equality of Opportunity

4.1. Educational Outcomes

4.1.1. Class

4.1.2. Race

4.1.3. Gender

4.2. Coleman Study

4.2.1. Response 1

4.2.2. Response 2

5. Educational Inquality

5.1. Cultural Difference Theory

5.1.1. 1

5.1.2. 2

5.2. School Centered Educational Inequality

5.2.1. School Financing

5.2.2. School Resources

5.2.3. School Climates

5.2.4. School Tracking

6. Educational Reform

6.1. School-Based Reforms

6.1.1. Privatization

6.1.2. School-To-Work

6.2. Economic Reforms

6.2.1. Financial

6.2.2. Programs

7. Pragmatism

7.1. Generic Notions

7.2. Key Researchers

7.3. Goal of Education

7.4. Role of the Teacher

7.5. Methods

7.6. Curriculum

8. Politics of Education

8.1. Purposes of Education

8.1.1. Intellectual

8.1.2. Political

8.1.3. Social

8.1.4. Economic

8.2. Liberal Perspective

8.2.1. Role of the school

8.2.2. Unequal Performance

8.2.3. Educational Problems

9. History of U.S. Education

9.1. Reform movement

9.1.1. Morrill Act of 1862

9.2. Historical Interpretation

9.2.1. Democratic Imperative

10. Sociological Perspectives

10.1. Theoretical Perspectives

10.1.1. Functional Theories

10.1.2. Conflict Theories

10.1.3. Interactional Theories

10.2. 5 Effects

10.2.1. Teacher Behavior

10.2.2. Gender

10.2.3. Employment

10.2.4. Education and Mobility

10.2.5. Inadequate Schools