My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Sociological Perspectives Chapter 4

1.1. Theoretical Perspectives

1.1.1. Functional Theory: believed that education was a huge part of creating ones morality. A lot of importance put on social cohesion and values.

1.1.2. Conflict Theory: conflict sociologists emphasize struggle here. This is a relationship between organization of the school and of society. Makes impact of culture and lives of people.

1.1.3. Interactional Theory: Extensions of the functional and conflict perspectives. This can help understand the depth of education.

1.2. Effects of schooling that has impact on children

1.2.1. Teacher Behavior: A teacher must act of the role of many things and the teachers personality has a great affect on their classroom and student.

1.2.2. Segregation: racially mixed schools benefit minorities and do not suppress while achievement

1.2.3. Tracking: students placed in problems based on abilities and it directly affects cognitive development

1.2.4. Gender: schools should not be held accountable for any gender discrimination

1.2.5. Knowledge: The more discipline that is involved, the more progress and rise you see in achievement.

2. Philosophy of Education Chapter 5

2.1. Pragmatism

2.1.1. Generic Notations: John Dewey believed this meant that attainment of a better society because of education.

2.1.2. Key Researchers: John Dewey, John Locke, Francis Bacon, and Jean Jacques Rousseau.

2.1.3. Goal of Education: Schools should balance needs of society and community on one hand and needs of individual on the other. Also believe that democratic views of society should be instilled in students.

2.1.4. Role of Teacher: The teacher is not the authoritarian figure. The teacher encourages, helps students understand questions, and plans actions of study.

2.1.5. Method of Instruction: Problem solving. Through instruction, students can learn individually or in groups.

2.1.6. Curriculum: Changes as social order changes and as the students interests changes.

3. Schools as organizations Chapter 6

3.1. Governance

3.1.1. Federal Alabama Senator: Richard Shelby, House of Representative: Mo Brooks, State Superintendent: Michael Sentance, Representative on State School Board: Mary Scott, Local Superintendent: Matt Massey, Members on School Board: Dr. Nathan Curry, Angie Bates, Louise Stowe, Dave Wels, Shere Rucker

3.2. School processes and School Culture

3.2.1. School culture has definite population and clearly defined political structure arising from the mode of social interaction.

3.2.2. School processes are now organized and shaped by a series of inherent contradictions that can develop cultures that are conflictual and even stagnant

4. Equality of Opportunity Chapter 8

4.1. Class

4.1.1. Leads to labeling children, direct correlation between parents income and child performance, and the number of books in the child's home can affect their academic achievement.

4.2. Race

4.2.1. Minorities have a lower, on average, SAT score than white students. Education can also be lacking for the minority.

4.3. Gender

4.3.1. Males do better in math, in the last 20 years, gender differences in education has declined. It shows that females are less likely to drop out of school.

4.4. Response 1: Catholic schools versus public schools. Jnecks used Coleman's findings to compare academic achievement

4.4.1. Response 2: Individuals and race/ socioeconomical background affect student achievement more than race and class, according to Borman and Dowling.

5. Educational Reform Chapter 10

5.1. Reforms

5.1.1. Reform #1: School based reforms involve school choice, charter schools, and tuition vouchers. Some research tried to claim private school was more effective.

5.1.2. Reform #2: School to work programs. School based learning incorporated with work based learning.

5.2. Impacts of Education

5.2.1. Charter Schools are public schools that are free from many of the regulation applied to traditional public schools. In return, they are held accountable for student performance.

5.2.2. Vouchers argue that the school choice will have three important educational impacts. It provides low income parents with the same choices as middle class parents and lead to increased parental satisfaction with their children's school.

6. Politics of Education Chapter 2

6.1. Perspective

6.1.1. Conservative: Explanations of unequal performance, students rise and fall at their own hard work, schools give students tools to success

6.1.2. Conservative Role of School: Talented and hardworking students receive important resources necessary to maximize productivity, culture is transmitted through certain curriculum

6.1.3. Conservative definition: decline of standard, define of cultural, decline of authority

6.2. Vision

6.2.1. Intellectual: Basic skills taught to help students gain higher thinking skills

6.2.2. Social: To teach kids basic laws of society and teach students basic solving skills

6.2.3. Political: To teach children basic laws of society and teaching students political order.

6.2.4. Economical: To train students for their later occupational roles

7. History of US Education Chapter 3

7.1. Education Reform

7.1.1. When Horace Mann went to battle for public education. Mann made sure teachers were trained and the children attended the school. He made education open to more children.

7.2. Historical Interpretations

7.2.1. The Democratic-Liberal School: Equality opportunity made for all. The US education system migrates towards equality.

8. Curriculum and Pedagogy Chapter 7

8.1. Mimetic

8.1.1. I advocate for the developmentalist curriculum theory. The theory is student centered and flexible. The needs of the students were put before the needs of society. Relating school to real life experience should be stressed.

8.1.2. Two strategies of teaching includes repeating information while lecturing to students and being interactive using hands on experiences.

9. Educational Inequality Chapter 9

9.1. Difference Theories

9.1.1. Difference 1: Jon Ogbu argues African Americans do less well in school because they adapt to their oppressed position There is a "job ceiling" for African Americans which means they can only achieve so much.

9.1.2. Difference 2: Working class and nonwhite students are resisting the dominant culture of the schools. Students reject white middle-class students and choose an anti-social environment which is a negative response.

9.2. Explanations

9.2.1. Public schools are financed through a combination of revenues from local, state, and federal sources. Researchers needed to compare schools within lower socioeconomic communities for effective school research. School factors depend on the curriculum that is used. Gender in the schools was a common concentration for the different types of research.