ADDIE - Introduction to Digital Marketing for Small Business

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ADDIE - Introduction to Digital Marketing for Small Business by Mind Map: ADDIE - Introduction to Digital Marketing for   Small Business

1. Analysis

1.1. Audience is small business, personnel and stakeholders whose feedback is needed to create units or objectives.

1.2. Relevance and skills levels need to be assessed and outcomes agreed to.

1.3. Target or focus on median skill level for each unit.

2. Design

2.1. Confirm and articulate units with required outcomes.

2.2. Each unit apply PPPP model for demonstrable outcome.

2.3. Timing with potential inputs and resources.

3. Development

3.1. Plan each unit in detail to include preview, presentation of content, practice and production activities.

3.2. Embed in each unit a concept check or evaluation of skills activity.

3.3. Plan evaluation instrument related to units, teaching, learning and assessment.

4. Implementation

4.1. Test beta program and modify.

4.2. Deliver program units.

4.3. Elicit further feedback from participants.

4.4. Add, delete or modify units according to target audience.

5. Evaluation

5.1. Assess participant learning and skills outcomes; repeat units if needed.

5.2. Elicit further feedback from participants via focus group and/or survey instrument.

5.3. Return to the start for needs analysis again.