Further Research Into Music Videos

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Further Research Into Music Videos by Mind Map: Further Research Into Music Videos

1. Basics of Music Videos

1.1. They promote the artist/band through iconography

1.2. They are mainly for the purpose of entertaining the audience

1.3. They normally create or adapt or feed into a 'Star image'

1.4. The meaning of the song is portrayed images

2. Basics Of Structure

2.1. In a 3-5 minute video, a typical music video will combine a variety of live performance, narrative and other visual imagery

2.2. This again is for the purposes of promoting the artist/band.

3. Performance Style Of Music Video

3.1. This where either the whole video or a section of the video is just the artist/band performing in some manner.

3.2. The artist either faces the camera or audience whilst performing.

3.3. Performance style videos are usually used with the genre of Rock

4. Narrative Style of Music Video

4.1. This is a video that usually forms a storyline, by matching the visuals up with the lyrics of the song

4.2. This is a very effective technique for the engagement of the audience.

4.3. Commonly this technique is used for songs that feature in films, as clips of the film are edited into the video.

5. Concept Style of Music Video

5.1. This are usually considered as unusual, as some videos are based around 'strange' ideals

5.2. They are usually solely focused on one idea, and normally only use the same editing technique with every shot