My Foundations Of Education.

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My Foundations Of Education. by Mind Map: My Foundations Of Education.

1. Politics of Education: Chapter 2

1.1. The Four Purposes of Education:

1.1.1. Perspectives Examples:

1.1.2. 2A. The Role of the School: The conservative view says that the role of the school is to provide the necessary educational training to ensure that the most talented hard-working individuals rise to the top. In addition to transmitting traditions and preparing children for adult roles.

1.1.3. 2B. Explanations of Unequal Performance: The liberal perspective supports the idea that some groups have significantly more advantages than other groups and they seek to even the playing field.

1.1.4. 2C. Definition of Educational Problems: The radical perspective stated that most problems in education are the fact the education system is full of racist, classist, sexist, homophobic policies, curriculum, and agenda.

1.2. 1A. Social: To teach children various social roles and behaviors. To teach children how to be successful social beings,

1.3. 1B. Intellectual: To teach students basic skills such as mathematics and critical thinking. To transmit certain knowledge about subjects such as literature, history, and science.

1.4. 1C. Political: To foster patriotism. To prepare students to assimilate and participate in a political order.

1.5. 1D. Economical: To prepare students for an occupation.

2. Philosophy of Education: Chapter 5

2.1. Pragmatism

2.1.1. Pragmatism is the philosophy that education should be practical, and should apply to the real world.

2.1.2. Role of the teacher: The teacher is not an authoritative figure but a facilitator that encourages and leads students in the right direction.

2.1.3. Generic Notions: Students should have freedom and responsibility and education should prepare students for societal roles.,

2.1.4. Key Researchers: John Dewey, George Sanders Pierce, William James, Francis Bacon, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

2.1.5. The goal of education is for growth. Pragmatist want to see students grow into responsible adults.

2.1.6. Curriculum: Academic standards correspond with vocational standards. Curriculum flexible and not set in stone. Method of instruction: Hands-on and flexible. Teachers ask what the students want to know, let them decide instruction, let them move about the classroom.

3. Curriculum and Pedagogy: Chapter 7

3.1. 1. The developmentalist theory is that curriculum needs to be based around the needs of the student. The teachers are utilized as facilitators to student growth instead of merely instructors. This theory is mainly used in private or independent schools because it is so expensive and hands-on.

3.1.1. 2. Mimetic teaching main purpose is to transmit knowledge to the student. This style of teaching supports the idea that students do not know what they want so they are given no choice and just presented with their curriculum. Transformative teaching believes the main purpose of teaching is to change the student in a positive way. It empowers the students to learn and make choices based on reflection and individuality.

4. Equality of Opportunity: Chapter 8

4.1. 1a. Impact of class on educational outcomes: Children from lower class backgrounds tend to preform lower than those of higher classes. Children from lower classes are also less likely to pursue higher education.

4.1.1. 1b. Impact of race on educational outcomes: Non-white students have a higher drop out rate than their white counterparts. Non-white students also receive fewer educational opportunities and educational rewards. 1c. Impact of gender on educational outcomes: Historically gender has had a huge effect on educational outcomes. Females are now attending more post secondary schools and out preforming boys in every level besides mathematics.

4.2. 2. Coleman Study: The two responses to the Coleman study were criticism that the differences between catholic and public schools were to minute to be acknowledged, and an argument that stated that a child's school's overall race has more of an educational effect than the child's personal race.

5. Educational Inequality: Chapter 9

5.1. 1A. John Ogbu theory of cultural differences is that African Americans preform poorer in education standards because they adapt to the idea that there is only so far African Americans can go in the work force. This is shown in an achievement gap between white and non-white students.

5.1.1. 1B. Another cultural difference theory is that working class and non-white students rebel against the common white middle class schools in today's education system. This rebellion is seen by theorist as not wrong but just different.

5.2. 2A. School Financing: Inequalities can caused by unequal funding in poorer school districts compared to more affluent ones.

5.2.1. 2B. Effective School Research: Research that proves student centered teaching can create better schools and reduce educational inequalities between lower and higher class students is reliable but scarce. 2C. Curriculum and Pedagogic Practices: There is conflicting evidence on if varying curriculum and pedagogic practices effects student performance between schools. 2D. Gender and Schooling: Some schools limit educational opportunities for females by providing curricula that reinforce gender roles.

6. Educational Reform Chapter 10

6.1. 1A. More School-to-Work programs are being implemented in today's schools. These programs create a career path for students who are not college bound.

6.1.1. 1B. Teacher Quality is under reform after their has been noticeably more under-qualified teachers in poverty stricken areas with large turnover rates.

6.2. 2A. Full Service and Community Schools are schools that provide service to the whole community with programs that support educational, physical, recreational, and social needs.

6.2.1. 2B. Harlem's Children Zone is a program that increases African American in home education, as well as provides longer days and extra tutoring for at risk children.

7. Sociological Perspectives: Chapter 4

7.1. 1A. Interaction Theory: Focuses on sociology as everyday interactions based on environment and context. This relates to education in the fact that interaction theorist can use their micro-sociological observations to examine how students in different environments and contexts learn and preform.

7.2. 1B. Conflict Theory: Emphasizes class and struggle as the backbone of society. This relates to schools in the fact that people of different class levels may seek different amounts of education, and have different opportunities afforded to them.

7.2.1. 2a. Knowledge and Attitudes: Some research shows that quality schooling can positively affect children's knowledge and attitudes.

7.2.2. 2B. Education and mobility: Schooling can provide students greater social mobility and chances at higher education.

7.2.3. 2C. Teacher impact: Teachers can positively or negatively affect their students self confidence and self image.

7.2.4. 2D. Students peer groups and alienation: Schooling helps students identify their social identities,

7.2.5. 2E. Employment: The higher the level of your education has some correlation with your employment and income level.

7.3. 1C: Functionalism: Stresses that all parts of a society are functional, and that conflict arises from a breakdown in these functions. Educational reforms based on functionalism revolve around social unity, technical advances, and rationality.

8. Schools as Organizations: Chapter 6

8.1. 1a. Federal Alabama Senators= Richard Shelby

8.1.1. 1b. State Superintendent=Michael Sentance 1c. Representative on state school board= Betty Peters 1d. DeKalb superintendent=Jason Barnett

8.2. 2.Changing a school's culture to be more student focused takes a great deal of work and support by the entire faculty of the school, and changing a school's culture is almost changing the school itself. Changing a school's processes is very important as well, but their processes are harder to identify and even harder to change. With hard work however a school's culture and processes can be changed.

9. History of Education: Chapter 3

9.1. 1. The reform movement I think had the biggest impact on education was the rise of the Common School. This reform movement was led by Horace Man, who believed in free publicly funded elementary schools. This led to the free publicly funded education system we know today.

9.1.1. 2.One historical interpretation of the history of education is the Democratic-Liberal school of thought. They view the history of education in a positive light while acknowledging it's many flaws. They focus on the expansion of education for all throughout education's history. They have an optimistic outlook on education and strive to achieve equality and opportunity for all.