Define the problem Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an...

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Define the problem Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions by Mind Map: Define the problem  Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions

1. Identify Your Values Social wellness, Mental wellness and Physical safety.

2. Decide and Act Create a better username that does not have any personal information in it. Be careful don't enter chat rooms Make good decisions. When possible play mostly with real friends

3. Exploring alternatives 1. you continue to play with person on the online game and answer their questions 2. You can block the person totally. 3. You continue to play but don't answer the quietens

4. Consider the Consequences 1. over 750,000 predators use online games to attract children 2. Children feel safer because they are playing a game not playing with actual people 3. Adults can pose as children and send fake pictures of "themselves" 4. You can meet other kids your age who like the same games. 5. You could make more friends

5. Decide and Act Make smart educated divisions and never provide personal information or photos to strangers Block out people who ask strange questions