Problem: You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portra...

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Problem: You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media by Mind Map: Problem:                               You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media

1. Decide and Act:

1.1. For me personally, this situation presents itself with a clear choice for how to act. Alternative one and two both have major downsides, but alternative three has less. It also has a bigger impact on the problem.

1.1.1. The first thing I would do is find out who shared the photo with me and tell them to stop immediately. Chances are, they won't, so I would reason with them. I would tell them to put themselves in the person in the photo's shoes and I would try to persuade them. If after doing this, they don't stop, I would tell a trusted adult to have them stop sharing the photo.

1.1.2. Then I would tell the person who shared it with me, to tell the other people they shared it with to not share it with other and delete it.

1.1.3. Lastly, I would inform the person in the photo what was going on because I would hate being under a blanket while everybody knew something embarressing about me.

2. Identify Your Values:

2.1. I have a lot of personal values that I wouldn't be able to break for most reasons. One of them is being loyal. If the person in the photo is someone I know, I wouldn't want to be unkind to them just for my personal pleasure. Also, Kindness is a major value of mine. I think that everyone should agree that kindness is one of the most important values for people to have. By spreading the photo, I would be ignoring all my values.

3. Explore the Alternatives:

3.1. Alternative 1: I can share the photo

3.2. Alternative 2: I can keep the photo to myself

3.3. Alternative 3: I can tell the person who shared the photo with to stop sharing the photo with others and tell the people who already have it to stop sharing it.

4. Define the Problem:

4.1. You have been sent a photo of someone you know that portrays them in a bad situation on social media. This is an important problem because it not only impacts you, but also impacts someone else. This affects my social wellness because the person in the photo is someone I know so it effects

5. Consider the Consequences:

5.1. The consequence for Alternative 1: The person in the photo might find out I was one of the people who spread it and they might get mad at me.

5.1.1. My parents, peers and current/ future teachers might find that I shared a bad photo of someone else and it might effect me in the fututre

5.2. Consequence 2: The person who originally shared it with me, shared it with other people

5.2.1. I wouldn't be stopping the problem, I'd just be the person not spreading it. The person is equally likely to get embarrassed and it would be no use.

5.3. Consequence 3: The person stops sharing it and the person in the photo isn't embarrassed as much.

5.3.1. This would stop the chain of the photos and put a stop to the problem all together.

6. D.E.C.I.D.E

7. Evaluate the Results:

7.1. I think my decision worked out fine because it put a stop to the photo spreading. Obviously because the photo was on the internet, it will stay there forever even though it was taken down, but other than that, the decision was a success. Because of this decision, it looks to others that I am a trustworthy and loyal person because I chose to stop this chain. It also impacted the person in the photo positvly because now she isn't as embarressed as she would be had I joined and spread the photo. I learned that I won't give into peer preassure and I a loyal person. If there is one thing I could've done differently, I would have asked the person in the photo why a photo of this would have been taken.