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1. Define the problem: Your friend/s ask you to sneak out to go to a party

2. Identify your values: Does going to a party go against my values or my parents?

3. Decide and act: I choose to not go to the party and stay at home

4. Evaluate the results: I got enough sleep and feel good that I chose not to go because I didn't go against my values. My friends think I'm not fun put it's better than putting myself in risk

5. Explore the alternatives: I could say no and get a good rest for school the next day or you could go out to the party with them and prove to my friends that I am fun

6. Consider the consequences: If I sneak out to the party I could be put in an unsafe area with unsafe people or people I don't know. Or if my parents find out they would get very mad and I would get in such much trouble