Why we should prioritise

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Why we should prioritise by Mind Map: Why we should prioritise

1. 6.Important decisions are made by agencies that are operated by rich nations to benefit the world

1.1. Each of the agency is independent

1.2. There're few comparisons made between agencies as there're more to lose than to gain

2. 4.Governments prioritise

2.1. Finite revenues

2.2. competing demands for expenditure

2.3. satisfy social needs without running unsustainable deficits

3. 5.Situations get murky when comes to global welfare projects

3.1. we can attain anything

3.2. infinite resources

3.3. tackle everything at once

4. 7.Theoretically we have to deal with all the world's problems but we don't

4.1. Limited resources

4.2. Little attention to the biggest problems

5. 1.Tremendous progress has been made to human's life

5.1. People live longer,healthier

5.2. Air and water quality is better

5.3. The population are adequately fed

6. 2.There're still many problems to tackle

6.1. A minority are lucky to be born in developed world, others are not

6.2. The developing and developed countries all have problems

7. 3.Policy-makers have difficulties in choosing the best projects for global issues

7.1. use economics to measure benefits and costs to choose the best project

8. 8. We have to face the question of how to prioritise problems.