1. Define The Problem: Mental Wellness, Social Wellness, Finical Wellness

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1. Define The Problem: Mental Wellness, Social Wellness, Finical Wellness by Mind Map: 1. Define The Problem: Mental Wellness, Social Wellness, Finical Wellness

1. 2. Explore The Alternatives: 1. Apologise 2. Try to do something to make up your mistake

2. 3. Consider The Consequences: 1. Your friend might still get really mad at you. 2. Your friend might still be upset

3. 4. Identify Your Values: 1. I am an honest person, so I will tell my friend straight away. 2. I am not a super thrifty person, so I will get my friend another phone or send it in for repair.

4. 5. Decide And Act: I will either repay my friend or send the device I broke for repair. I will do this because I am a fair/honest person, and I don't want my friend to be upset.

5. 6. Evaluate The Results: The outcome will definetly be positive, and it will fixed both me and my friend's mental, Finical, and Social Wellness.

6. Scenarios: You borrow someone’s device (Smart Phone, Laptop etc) from a friend and accidentally break it.