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Scenarios by Mind Map: Scenarios

1. Define the problem: Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions. This affects my social and emotional wellness.

1.1. Alternative 1: Immediately cut contact with the stranger.

1.1.1. Consequence: The stranger will most likely never chat with me again, which is good for me. But he/she might start chatting with others and ask inappropriate questions to them, and if they are young or naive they might answer them, and therefore 1. They might begin to do/think very inappropriate things or 2. The stranger might take hold of valuable information or 3. They might be tempted to meet the stranger and be kidnapped/assaulted/sexually abused/murdered.

1.2. Alternative 2: Cut contact with the stranger and report him/her.

1.2.1. Consequence: The stranger will be banned from this game and possibly many other online games as well, meaning that he/she will have lesser chances to ask inappropriate questions to others and thus providing a safer digital gaming for other gamers. This is possibley the best alternative because not only I will be protected from the innapropreate information the person will be banned from talking to others this way forever.

1.3. Alternative 3: Chat back cautiously.

1.3.1. Consequence:I might be exposed to very inappropriate things and therefore scarred for life.

1.4. Alternative 4: freak out and call the police for someone sexually assaulting me online.

1.4.1. Consequence: There are many people online that talks that way, so calling the police won't help matters. Also it is not considered a crime if they are only chatting with you online. It will only disturb the police from their daily work.