D.E.C.I.D.E Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you ...

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D.E.C.I.D.E Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions by Mind Map: D.E.C.I.D.E                       Someone that you do not know begins to chat with you while you are playing an online game and starts asking you inappropriate questions

1. Define the Problem: Somebody who I do not know is asking me inappropriate questions in an online game

2. Evaluate the Alternatives: 1.I can block the person 2.Ask them to politely stop 3.Report them to the gaming company 4.Post the video on youtube to harass them.

3. Consider the Consequences 1.They might be mad at me, but I can ignore 2.They might not stop 3.Some companies don't care 4.Against laws

4. Identify Your Values Solution 1 would be the solution that fits me the mostaccording to my values

5. Decide and Act I will block that person, since he is talking to an underaged person on a topic which is not pleasant to hear.

6. Evaluate the results Option 2-4 could've caused major issues, which is not anyone wants, so this is the best solution as far as I know.