Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW, t...

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Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW, this is affecting your physical wellness and mental wellness. by Mind Map: Several people in your shared room are snoring while you are attempting to get to sleep at CWW, this is affecting your physical wellness and mental wellness.

1. Define the Problem : I am unable to sleep since everyone in my dorm is snoring so loud, I can hear it throughout the house

1.1. Explore the Alternatives: Cover your ears while trying to sleep. Sleep in the area where the snoring is less audible. Try to wake up the loud snoring students and get them to stop snoring for awhile.

1.1.1. Consider the Consequences: their will be no consequences if you cover your ears or sleep in the place where the snoring is less audible Identify Your Values: With your own values in mind